What are Universal Wastes?

Universal Waste is a category of hazardous waste that can harm human health and the environment if they are disposed of improperly. Residents must take them to an approved recycling or household waste disposal site. As of February 9, 2006, it is unlawful to put the following waste items in your trash, recycling or organic cans and/or bins.

Universal Wastes Include:

  • All Household Batteries
  • Consumer Electronic Devices (CED) - computers, computer equipment, pagers, radios, cell phones, VCR’s answering machines, televisions, microwave ovens, etc.
  • Fluorescent Light Bulbs – compact fluorescent (CFLs) and tubes
  • Other Mercury-containing Devices – thermometers, gauges, switches & thermostats

Simply put batteries or old cell phones in a clear plastic bag, seal it shut and place on the top of the gray recyclables cart!

Battery Bill Insert Cropped


To dispose of CFL Bulbs Call 1 + (510) 613-8710 for your free Vaporlok Foil Bag. Place up to 6 used, unbroken CFLs inside the bag, and keep sealed at all times. Place bag on top of the gray recyclables cart. 

CFL Bill Insert Cropped

 **For broken bulbs, follow the EPA’s clean-up instructions: www.epa.gov/mercury/spills.