The Junior Counselor program offers tweens and teens from 6th to 10th grade the opportunity to give back to their community, gain valuable leadership experience, and be a mentor to younger children. During their shift, participants will join Recreation Leaders to assist with various projects and games while having a good time. Junior Counselors are encouraged to participate in all their program correspondence. Please ask them to call, email, organize, and initiate! Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Age Group: Students enrolled in 6th-10th grade
Fee: Resident $324 & Non-Resident $334 per 3-month commitment
JC Fall: September 9/3/2024 - November 11/22/2024
JC Winter: December 12/02/2024 - February 2/28/2025
JC Spring: March 3/3/2024- May 5/3/3035
Time Commitment: To be determined by availability and needs of the program.
Location: Friendship Club - Ocean View, 900 Buchanan St. and 1331 Portland Ave.
Program Goals:
- To provide Junior Counselors with hands-on experience assisting Staff with a variety of activities in
Friendship Club
- To provide the opportunity to serve their community
- To provide new learning experiences for Junior Counselors and Staff
- To enhance the quality of programs and experience for Friendship Club participants
- To strengthen work ethic and teach important job skills to Junior Counselors
- To learn how to work both independently, and as a team
Online Activity #: 1347JC