Buchanan Bicycle & Pedestrian Path

The City of Albany secured a federal grant through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program in the amount of $1.7 million for the construction of the first and second phase of the Buchanan/Marin Bikeway (Albany Bay Trail Connector) along the south side of Marin Avenue and Buchanan Street. This project also includes the extension of the westbound bike lane from San Pablo Avenue to Pierce Street and installation of bicycle sharrows on the eastbound direction along the same segment. 

In addition, the project includes a new traffic signal at the Pierce/Buchanan intersection, an exclusive right turn lane at the San Pablo/Marin intersection with signal modifications. Additional sources of funding for this project include local Measure F, Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA), and Alameda County Transportation Commission-Administered funds, such as Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF), and Measure B funds.

On October 30, 2012, the City held a Ground Breaking Ceremony for this project, successfully culminating approximately 10 years of planning, design, and public process. Construction of the path is schedule to start in November, 2012 and completion by the summer of 2013.


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