City of Albany, CA
Home MenuStormwater Treatment & Capture
Stormwater Retention - Only Rain Down the Drain
The City of Albany's Clean Water Program aims to reduce the amount of pollutants entering our storm drain system. Due to the fact that the majority of the city is built out, there is a significant amount of impervious surface area (rooftops, paved surfaces, parking lots, etc) preventing stormwater from reaching the soil. Instead, stormwater flows over impervious surface areas (collecting any pollutants), and enters the storm drain system which flows untreated to our creeks and bay.
Discover the many ways to "Detain the Rain" at your home including capture of stormwater in a rain barrel for use during the dry months, re-routing drainaige to reach landscaping, and increasing the amount of pervious surface area.
Development Projects
New and re-development projects are required to treat stormwater runoff from the site to prevent stormwater pollution. The City is mandated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES permit, which requires specific measures for development projects including site design, source control and treatment of stormwater runoff.
Additional Resources
- Video podcasts from San Francisco Estuary Parnership on rain gardens, green streets, rainfall capture