Pecha Kucha Night in Albany, Vol. 2: WORK
In this second volume, Pecha Kucha in Albany brings together people around the theme of "WORK". We have defined the theme so broadly as to include folk of all trades and walks of life, and to inspire everyone in our community to participate in an event that we hope creates new social and professional connections, but above all, that enhances the understanding of the jobs and activities is it that we all do in our daily lives. What is is that we do for a living? For pleasure or service? Why do we do what we do?
With almost no limits on creativity, Pecha Kucha in Albany seeks to create through this unorthodox and fun platform, a vibrant community of thinkers, doers, and dreamers who exchange ideas, plans, and even the wildest projects, all for the good of our neighborhood.
Tonight's Presenters:
John Weitzel
“Servant Leadership: Your Department Our Community”
Erika Lockhart
“Prisoners at Work in Alcatraz”
Erin Smith
Managing Wastewater in the City of Albany
Alex Lerman + Berkeley Improv
Work It: Improvisation with Slides
Lindsay Nelson
Not Just Perks: What Really Makes a Great Place to Work
Tanya Rodante-Colli
Evolution of Cocktail Trends