3-1. April 25, 2011 3-2. May 23, 2011 4. PUBLIC COMMENT For persons desiring to address the Committee on an item that is not on the agenda please note that each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. The Brown Act limits the Committee’s ability to take and/or discuss items that are not on the agenda; therefore, such items are normally referred to staff for comment or to a future agenda. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS
6. DISCUSSIONS ON MATTERS RELATED TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 6-1. Possible changes to the following portions of the Charter, including reporting back input received from staff (15 minutes) ? Chapter VI Board of Education ? Chapter VIII Civil Service ? Section 3.19 – specific charges for receiving copies of City records 6-2. Alternatives to Albany’s current plurality at-large electoral system for the City Council and School Board, including ranked choice voting, cumulative voting, and limited voting (40 minutes) 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Committee Member announcement of requests for future agenda items. 8. ADJOURNMENT Please note that if you provide your name and address when speaking before the Commission/Committee/Board it will become part of the official public record, which will be posted on the Internet. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Committee regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall located at 1000 San Pablo Avenue, Albany during normal business hours.