

Everything You Wanted to Know About Bees, but Were too Afraid to Ask

Join us for this cool, science talk by a bee expert at the Albany Community Center. Free Admission! 

Bees are considered the most important creatures on the planet because they are required for ecosystem function and are essential pollinators of the majority of our food supply. But how much do you know really about them? While most people are familiar with honey bees and bumble bees, they've never heard of a sweat bee, mason bee or digger bee. The diversity and beauty of bees is truly astonishing. Learn why their populations are declining, what you can do to support them, and where the phrase "the bees knees" originated.

Dr. Hillary Sardinas is an ecologist and mellitologist (bee specialist) who researched sunflower bee nesting habits during her graduate studies at UC Berkeley. She currently works with local farmers and ranchers to conserve natural resources on their properties.

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